A War Crime Is a War Crime | Call for Commission of Inquiry on Soviet and Communist war criminals in Canada | Letters |
E-POSHTA July 3, 2002 JOIN the list: [email protected] |
A War Crime Is a War Crime |
Many of us have railed at the inequity, in both Canada and USA, in the pursuit of alleged
war criminals. Prof. Luciuk's article enables us to do more than vent our feelings at the
injustice - typically to those already of like mind and thus to little effect. Now the
statement of your thoughts can produce actual results.
Call for the government of Canada to set up an official commission of Inquiry into Soviet
and Communist War Criminals in Canada.
Montreal Gazette
[email protected]
Fax: 514-987-2639
Your Member of Parliament
Minister of Immigration
The Hon. Denis Coderre
[email protected]
Fax: 613-995-9755
Minister of Justice
The Hon. Martin Cauchon
[email protected]
Fax: 613-995-0114
Prime Minister
The right Hon. Jean Chretien
[email protected]
Fax: Fax: 613-941-6900
Prime Minister's Office
[email protected]
To find out who your MP is and their addresses, you just have to type in your postal code
on this site:
The timing of your support for this is crucial. |
The Montreal Gazette
Tuesday, July 2, 2002
Lubomyr Luciuk
It's time Canada started treating Soviet and Nazis offenders with equal harshness.
Canada got her from Russia, just six years ago. Some 55 years earlier she was a young
physician, trained in Kiev in the Ukraine. That was at the start of the "Great
Patriotic War,'' which is what the Soviets called the segment of World War II when they
stopped being Hitler's friends, and became ours. Before June 22, 1941, when Hitler
surprised "Uncle Joe" Stalin by invading Russia, the Soviet empire had prospered
at Hitler's side. Poland was dismembered, western Belarus and Ukraine were occupied, the
Baltic States swallowed.
Natasha - I won't use her real name, since there's no proof she committed any crime - was
then in her 20s, well-educated, a city girl. When the Germans attacked she retreated east.
Eventually, when the Red Army forced the Nazis back to their well-deserved apocalypse in
Berlin's ruins, Natasha was with them. She joined the Communist Party. She served in
SMERSH is an acronym for Smert Shpionam - Death to Spies. As the Red Army moved west,
SMERSH battalions followed, killing soldiers deemed cowardly, hunting all those opposed to
Soviet rule. At war's end, SMERSH screened the ''victims of Yalta,'' Soviet citizens who
had been repatriated forcibly by British, American, French and Canadian troops.
A Canadian Baptist professor, Watson Kirkconnell, protested to Prime Minister Mackenzie
King that handing refugees over ''to the Red Army and the NKVD is to murder them'' and
constituted Canadian participation in ''crimes against humanity.'' He was ignored.
Millions of former prisoners of war and displaced persons were transported to the Gulag,
many executed. How many? No one knows, but, thanks to such celebrated Canadians as
Montreal human-rights activist and Liberal MP Irwin Cotler, we know one victim's name:
Raoul Wallenberg. A saviour of Hungarian Jews, this courageous Swedish diplomat was
snatched by SMERSH in Budapest and later murdered.
What Natasha did for most of the war is unknown. Recently, however, in The Gazette of May
9, she recalled one of her chores - jumping into open graves to check if the shot were
truly dead. What if someone was still alive? On a balance of probabilities, given SMERSH
was in the murdering business, is it likely that she upheld the Hippocratic oath by
tending to the wounded? Or did she do her Soviet duty, inviting an executioner in to
finish the kill?
On Sept. 15, 2000, responding to an inquiry about alleged Communist war criminals in
Canada, Terry Beitner, general-counsel of the federal Crimes Against Humanity and War
Crimes Section, replied, skeptically: ''Given the climate in Canada in the post-Second
World War period (as the Cold War began), I doubt that immigration authorities would have
knowingly permitted ex-KGB members into Canada.'' (The KGB was a successor to SMERSH.).
However, he went on, if credible evidence of complicity in war crimes were ever uncovered,
proceedings would be initiated. He also explained complicity: ''A person is considered
complicit if, while aware of the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity the
person contributes, directly or indirectly, to their occurrence ... . An example of
complicity would be the act of guarding an execution site even if one had not personally
acted as executioner. Additionally, a person may be considered complicit if he was a
member of an organization during a time when activities included the carrying out of
atrocities such as executing civilians.''
Soon after Natasha arrived in Canada, de-naturalization and deportation proceedings began
against Wasyl Odynsky. He was a 19-year-old farm boy with a sixth-grade education when the
Nazis press-ganged him into being an auxiliary guard. Government lawyers admitted, and
Judge Andrew MacKay found, no evidence that he participated in a war crime. He spent not a
single day clambering into pits making sure the dying would die. The only negative finding
was that he might have lied when screened, more than a half-century ago. Federal officials
insisted he must have been asked what he did in the war. Under oath, Odynsky swore he was
not asked. No documentary evidence refutes his testimony. Ottawa destroyed those files
years ago. But, on a balance of probabilities, the judge ruled Odynsky secured citizenship
under false pretences. He now faces exile, who knows where, regardless of the consequences
for his wife and family.
I have no evidence of criminal wrongdoing by Natasha. Yet, comparing what she claims she
did with what a judge found Wasyl did not, her record surely merits further investigation.
Alas, the ''Nazi-hunters'' in the Justice Department apparently don't read The Gazette.
Natasha remains serene. Perhaps they checked her story and decided she's just a babbling
babushka with a vivid, if beastly, imagination. But perhaps they didn't check at all.
Certainly, Natasha is not the only ex-Red relaxing here. Joseph, a former NKVD Lieutenant,
and Nahum, a onetime Communist partisan, both wrote books, in English, boasting of their
roles in liquidating anti-Soviet Lithuanians and Ukrainians. Something they neglected to
mention in screening?
Beitner's note helpfully confirms that post-war regulations were intended to ensure that
neither Nazi nor Soviet collaborators got in, lest they befoul our fair Dominion. So, how
to explain such people enjoying Canada Pension Plan benefits? Did they lie at our gates?
If Odynsky has to go, why don't they? They're not hard to find. These two last-mentioned
old Reds are listed in the Montreal telephone book.
There's a lobby that ceaselessly claims that there are ''thousands of Nazis'' hiding in
Canada. In 1986, the Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals chided those who orchestrated
this ''grossly exaggerated'' cacophony. But there is hardly any outcry from anyone
demanding equal treatment for alleged Soviet war criminals. Such people should, in simple
justice, face the same process as Odynsky. Surely we can't remember Raoul Wallenberg but
then ignore who cut his throat?
* Lubomyr Luciuk, PhD, director of research for the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties
Association, is preparing a manuscript on Soviet war crimes in Ukraine. |
Call for Commission of Inquiry on Soviet and Communist war criminals in Canada |
E-POSHTA July 4, 2002 JOIN the list: [email protected] |
A polite, firm, well informed letter for all Ukrainian organizations to emulate.
Below is also a selection of effective letters written by individuals.
Please 'reward yourself' by upholding the principle and expressing your support for the
establishment of a Commission of Inquiry to the government. Do share your letter with
E-POSHTA readers.
Montreal Gazette
[email protected]
Fax: 514-987-2639
Your Member of Parliament
Minister of Immigration
The Hon. Denis Coderre
[email protected]
Fax: 613-995-9755
Minister of Justice
The Hon. Martin Cauchon
[email protected]
Fax: 613-995-0114
Prime Minister
The right Hon. Jean Chretien
[email protected]
Fax: Fax: 613-941-6900
Prime Minister's Office
[email protected]
To find out who your MP is and their addresses, you just have to type in your postal code
on this site:
The timing of your support for this is crucial. The issue has been flagged and now we have
to keep it flying. Building the momentum on this maximizes our effectiveness. |
10611 - 110 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5H 1H7
Phone/fax: (780) 457-5170
July 3, 2002
Faxed to: (780) 495-5142
Peter Goldring, M.P.
9111 -- 118 Ave.
Edmonton, AB
T5B 0T9
Dear Mr. Goldring:
The 1,000-member strong Alberta Ukrainian Self-Reliance League calls upon the Government
of Canada to immediately name a Commission of Inquiry into the presence in Canada of
Soviet and Communist war criminals.
The terms of reference of this Commission would not be unlike those given the Deschenes
Commission (1985-1986). Also included in the mandate must be an examination of the
following questions:
How did it come about that the government has, since 1987, instituted war crimes
proceedings against Canadians of Ukrainian and Baltic descent who were or are currently
still being accused of heinous war crimes against one specific group and/or of entering
Canada by fraud, false pretences or by materially misrepresenting their past in relation
to events during the Second World War, and that such proceedings have been and are being
carried out to the exclusion of any other era of modern history, or any other conflict, or
any other potentially culpable group? Why are these current denaturalization and
deportation proceedings, in the guise of 'war crimes' prosecutions, being prolonged
despite a complete lack or absence of probative evidence of war criminality on the part of
the accused? Why, despite evidence of the presence of persons engaged by Soviet and/or
Communist regimes who have admitted acts of war criminality, the government has chosen to
ignore their self-confessed crimes, and continues to protect them while expending
voluminous resources and funds on prosecuting persons identified in point #1 above? What
has been the precise extent of influence exerted by both lobby groups and members of the
Prime Ministers top unelected advisors in lobbying the government to pursue persons
identified in point #1 above, to the exclusion of any other potentially culpable
individuals, no matter where or when their crimes against humanity were perpetrated, and
against whom?
What have been the precise sums of donations, paid trips abroad or any other favors made
by lobbyists pushing for the prosecution and for denaturalization and deportation
proceedings against Canadians of Ukrainian and Baltic descent identified in point #1
above, and directed to Cabinet Minister in this government since 1993?
This call for an official Commission of Inquiry is consistent with the position of the
Ukrainian Canadian community since the Deschenes Commission: i.e. that Canada must not be
a haven for war criminals from any era, no matter what their identity, and no matter who
their victims were, and that such accused be tried in a criminal court.
This is not the time to procrastinatetime is ticking, and no fair-minded Canadian
wants to see Canada a haven for any kind of war criminal (including those whose crimes are
being committed at this very moment), or wants to see these people escape justice via
their biological clocks.
Please honor us with your timely response. Thank you.
Yours truly,
Eugene Harasymiw, LL.B.
Chair Civil Liberties Standing Committee
Cc: Hon. Martin Cauchon
Minister of Justice
Fax: (613) 995-0114 Hon. Denis Coderre
Minister of Citizenship & Immigration
Fax: (613) 995-9755Hon. Anne McLellan
Minister of Health
Fax: (613) 943-0044 |
Letters |
The Montreal Gazette
Wednesday, July 03, 2002
Scapegoats take fall for criminals (headline given by the newspaper)
I was shocked and appalled upon reading Lubomyr Luciuk's July 2 commentary "A war
crime is a war crime." A war criminal is a war criminal and doesn't belong in Canada.
It sickens me that our country welcomes seedy, self-confessed criminals to enjoy the
fruits of Canadians' labour while deporting people like Wasyl Odynsky, who has been proven
innocent (at great expense)Ęof any crime.
Thanks to Mr. Luciuk for bringing this matter in the open. In our post-Sept. 11 world, we
need to give our collective head a shake. It is insane to deport a senior citizen who has
contributed to Canadian society for over 50 years, when the government is letting in all
manner of criminals and supporting many of them with our tax dollars. It's time to put a
stop to such insanity. Federal officials should prosecute the real criminals and stop
persecuting scapegoats.
Paulette MacQuarrie
Coquitlam, B.C.
Subject: Response to A War Crime Is A War Crime
Date: Wed, 03 Jul 2002
From: Marta Olynyk [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Monsieur le Ministre:
As the headline of Professor Lubomyr Luciuk's article in the Montreal Gazette of 2 July
2002 unequivocally proclaims, a war crime is a war crime. For the sake of justice and
historical accuracy, the hunt for alleged Nazi war criminals must be extended to include
the hunt for Soviet and other Communist war criminals, who are living peacefully,
unmolested by even the shadow of a possibility that their crimes will ever come to light.
As a result of the creeping Marxism of many academics and journalists in the world,
particularly the West, we have seen the emergence of the absurd formula whereby Nazi war
crimes are considered to be more heinous than Communist war crimes. This absurdity has led
to bizarre witchhunts in Canada and the U.S., aimed at extraditing even people who were
compelled under threat of imminent death to serve the German war machine during WWII, like
Mr. Wasyl Odynsky. The Canadian government should immediately cease the senseless
persecution of this man who was clearly exonerated of any evildoing. If it does not, this
means that a secret agenda is at work here, which is incompatible with the basic
principles of justice of any civilized country.
Marta D. Olynyk
Montreal, QC
Response to A War Crime Is A War Crime
From: Simon Kouklewsky
Dr. Luciuk's article offers a history, which is all too often ignored today. It is true
that Jews suffered horribly under the Nazis and their collaborators. There were however
other atrocities which warrant closer examination. Dr. Luciuk has done just that. Lest we
Yours truly,
Simon Kouklewsky